What happens when Storm ESBolt capacity is over 1 for a long time?


We are using Storm ESBolt to index documents to Elasticsearch. Our topology is reading the documents from Kafka and indexing them to Elasticsearch using ESBolt.

We have peak periods during the day when the capacity of the ESBolt is over 1 during 30 minutes or 1 hour but the rest of the day its capacity is 0.1. What happens when the ESBolt goes over 1.0 of capacity during 30 minutes or 1 hour? May it drop documents?

We don't have any failed tuples (we have es.storm.bolt.write.ack: true) and we don't have any error/warning message in the worker logs. We have the bolt configured with es.batch.write.refresh: false.



My understanding of Storm is that in this case the bolt in question just exerts backpressure to the bolts and spouts feeding it data. Are you seeing any dropped writes or problems during these times? If so it might make sense to increase your parallelism to account for peak processing times.

Thanks for your answer. Yes I am seeing dropped writes because I cannot find documents expected to be in Elasticsearch. I have the feeling that backpressure is not applied, but I don't know how to see that the pressure is applied. Do you know if I can see it from Storm UI?
I will try to increase the parallelism. However, increasing the parallelism will increase Elasticsearch nodes load. And I think that in my case it would be better to apply the backpressure and "recover" after the peak times.

I will be more specific. What happens when the number of retries (es.batch.write.retry.count) has been reached? Do the bolt raise an exception?

@ferran.munoz it depends on a couple of factors, primarily whether or not you have es.storm.bolt.write.ack enabled. If not enabled, the then flush is attempted, but if any records are not able to be stored in Elasticsearch then they are dropped on the floor. If acks are enabled, the bolt will keep a working set of tuples that it is trying to insert, and on failure to complete writing (as in the retries are exhausted) then the tuples that were not successfully written will be marked to the Storm OutputCollector as failed. All other tuples that were successful in being written will be acked. In the event of a fatal exception in the output, all tuples that were being tracked are signaled as failed to the output collector, and the fatal exception is raised from the bolt.

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