What is the accessDeclaredMembers error?

I'm trying to write an plugin in for ES but I keep getting this annoying error whenever I try it and I don't know what's causing it. Below is the class that appears in the errors:

public class SentimentAnalyzer {

GoSentiment gs;
Map<Integer, String> lookup;

public interface GoSentiment extends Library {

    class GoString extends Structure {  
        public static class ByValue extends GoString implements Structure.ByValue {}
        public String p;
        public long n;
        protected List<String> getFieldOrder(){
            return Arrays.asList(new String[]{"p","n"});

    int ClassifySentiment(GoString.ByValue str);

public SentimentAnalyzer(){
    String path = "/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/ingest-opennlp/sentiment.so";
    gs = Native.loadLibrary(path, GoSentiment.class);
    lookup = new HashMap<>();
    lookup.put(0, "negative");
    lookup.put(1, "positive");

public int analyzeSentiment(String text){
    GoSentiment.GoString.ByValue str = new GoSentiment.GoString.ByValue();
    str.p = text;
    str.n = text.length();
    return gs.ClassifySentiment(str);

public String toSentimentWord(int value){
        return lookup.get(value);
    return "null";


Specifically, the error points to the GoString class declaration. What is happening here?

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