I am trying to setup search analysis in Elasticsearch to get as close as possible to the following scenario:
I have 4 users:
- Karolina Abc (karolinaabc@example.com)
- Karolina Def (karolinadef@example.com)
- Karol Abc (karolabc@example.com)
- Karol Adf (karoladf@example.com)
When I type:
I should get all 4 users.
When I type:
I still should get all 4 users.
When I type:
"Karol A"
I should get user no. 3 & 4.
When I type:
"Karol Ad"
I should get user no. 4 only.
So when I start typing it should start matching let's say first 3 chars for field firstName, lastName and emailAddress and for that I use MultiMatch. The result should narrow once I type more chars and in the end return only ones that matches my query string.
The problem is that when I type now "Karol Ad" it returns all 4 users because "Karol" matches "Karolina".
I have the following setup:
type: custom
tokenizer: standard
filter: [lowercase, edge_ngram]
type: edge_ngram
min_gram: 1
max_gram: 10
$boolQuery = new Query\BoolQuery();
$boolQuery->addMust((new Query\MultiMatch())
->setFields(['firstName', 'lastName', 'emailAddress'])
->setQuery('Karol Ad')
$query = new Query();
$result = $this->finder->find($query);
Is there anyone that may know the solution to the problem I am facing?