What is @timestamp field exactly?

Kibana version: 7.13.2

Elasticsearch version: 7.13.2

APM Server version: 7.13.2

APM Agent language and version: nodeJS / RUM

We run a very busy web site, with continuous traffic, but as you can see from the image below:

We receive data by batch,

it looks like @timestamp field is the time elasticsearch index the data?
Or this represent the time apm-server receive the event?

This give us totally wrong data-viz on APM dashboard:

Should I disable "transaction metrics" feature?

Our apm-server.yaml:

  # https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/apm/server/7.13/transaction-metrics.html
      enabled: true
      interval: 1m
      max_groups: 5000
    keep_unsampled: true
    mem.events: 10096
    flush.timeout: 5s
    flush.min_events: 50
  max_procs: 4
    enabled: false
    enabled: true
    hosts: ["XXXXXXX"]
    bulk_max_size: 750
    worker: 4
    max_retries: 0
    timeout: 10
      enabled: true
      verification_mode: certificate
      - /usr/share/infra/datahub/certs/ca.crt
      init: 1s
      max: 30s
    - pipeline: "apm_user_agent"
    - pipeline: "apm_ingest_timestamp"
    - pipeline: "apm_remove_span_metadata"


            enabled: true
            searchAggregatedTransactions: always

Hi there,

it looks like @timestamp field is the time elasticsearch index the data?
Or this represent the time apm-server receive the event?

@timestamp is recorded by the APM agent when the event happens. There is also event.ingested which is created by an ingest pipeline upon arrival in Elasticsearch.

This give us totally wrong data-viz on APM dashboard:

Yes, it looks odd when "zooming in" since metrics are indexed in batches every minute. If you choose a larger time range this should not be a problem though.

Should I disable "transaction metrics" feature?

If you don't want to use metrics you can disable this, yes. But I'm curious whether you have enabled this in Kibana also? By default Kibana will use transactions instead of metrics, unless this setting has been modified:

xpack.apm.searchAggregatedTransactions: 'never'

never is the default. Changing it to always or auto will make Kibana prefer metrics over transactions.

Sorry, one correction: For metric documents @timestamp will be set by the APM Server - not by the APM agent.

I created a bug report for this: [APM] Add minimum bucket size when using metric powered ui · Issue #103661 · elastic/kibana · GitHub. Aiming to get this fixed for 7.14 but I can't promise anything.

thanks you for the insights!

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