What Ver of Elastic is able to be run in ECK?

We are trying to upgrade our docker container based clusters into the newly released ECK. I am not seeing what newest version of ECK and support running. We want to try to migrate as much as we can and I am just wondering if there is a limitation on what we should upgrade and when. Thank you.

ECK supports the Elastic stack in version 6.8+ and 7.1+.

Thank you for that info. This brings up another question. What if we are running 7.3.1, we will need to regress to 7.1? How is that done and is there any info on it.

Sorry I wasn't clear: "7.1+" means 7.1 and above, including 7.3.1 for example.

Ok Thank you so much for clarifying. I probably should have been more clear in my question. We would like to run the newest 7.5.1, is that possible? Or what is the "newest version" which can be run.

@bigdamhero 7.5.2 is released and can be used with ECK

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