What would make cpu usage differs too excessively between nodes?

We have a cluster of three nodes with same hardwares. We have made some http benchmark test on:

  • one index of 4 million docs, 5 shards, 1 replica
  • use golang client gopkg.in/olivere/elastic.v6 connect to all three nodes. The coordinate node should not be focused on one node
  • es version: 6.5.4
  • this is a pure benchmark test environment, no other application processes and no other es query / index requests

And this is out output of hot thread

Does your data distribute evenly across three nodes?

The shards distribution seems to be evenly.

index          shard prirep state     docs   store node
quick_match_v1 3     p      STARTED 847408 570.7mb matchtest_es-node-
quick_match_v1 3     r      STARTED 847408 570.7mb matchtest_es-node-
quick_match_v1 2     r      STARTED 847348 559.9mb matchtest_es-node-
quick_match_v1 2     p      STARTED 847348 559.9mb matchtest_es-node-
quick_match_v1 4     p      STARTED 846896 568.2mb matchtest_es-node-
quick_match_v1 4     r      STARTED 846896 546.8mb matchtest_es-node-
quick_match_v1 1     p      STARTED 845880 587.8mb matchtest_es-node-
quick_match_v1 1     r      STARTED 845880 575.7mb matchtest_es-node-
quick_match_v1 0     r      STARTED 848310 570.9mb matchtest_es-node-
quick_match_v1 0     p      STARTED 848310 570.9mb matchtest_es-node-

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