What's the best way to feed aggregated stats into Graphite?

When processing logs from a web-server for example, one is interested in average throughput and the browser-type breakdowns for one's site, whereas the individual hits aren't all that interesting.

So, the graphite output plugin (which talks to carbon-cache-service) is not especially useful in this case -- what should I use instead? Is there anything, that can talk to carbon-aggregator-service, perhaps?

I know, there is a statsd-output -- anything else?

The aggregate Logstash plugin should also be helpful, but if we're talking about Graphite I'd probably go with statsd.

Ideally I'd use ES and Kibana for this, though.

Statsd is realtime-only -- unlike Graphite's, its protocol does not even support timestamps. Which makes it dangerously useless for logs with timestamps, such as, for example, those listing web-hits from a CDN.

Not sure, how ES and Kibana would handle such logs...

Statsd is realtime-only -- unlike Graphite's, its protocol does not even support timestamps. Which makes it dangerously useless for logs with timestamps, such as, for example, those listing web-hits from a CDN.

Yes, that's a limitation of statsd.

Not sure, how ES and Kibana would handle such logs...

Just fine since aggregations aren't pre-computed.

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