Which DB is more flexible for logstash integration

HI ,

My question is which DB is more reliable for Logstash-8 version Synk.

Is it Logstash ------> MongoDB ..?
is it InflexDB --------> InflexDB..?
Sudhakar Anguri

I do not understand your question. What are you trying to achieve?

At present we are using Logstash --> MongoDB Syn for polling data.
my question is:
“Which database is more reliable for Logstash polling data in terms of performance, stability, and persistent connection?”
is it inflexDB or MongoDB

It's Elasticsearch!


Logstash was designed to move data from different sources into Elasticsearch, so I am not sure it is a good tool for replicating between any other set of databases.

The question seems a bit backwards. Usually you have different datastores between you wish to sync data and select a tool/method based on that, not the other way around.

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Thanks for quick response :slight_smile:
I have gone through so many links but there is no such link explain
which DB is more reliable for Logstash fetching data and processing into Elasticsearch--Kibana
But i need more pro and Cons above question .
“Much appreciated if anybody can suggest.”

I do not think I would use Logstash for replicating data from either of those databases as I am not sure the input plugins are capable enough (have not used them). I have seen it work well replicating data from RMDBS via JDBC but that is it.

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