While Exporting Data from Kibana into CSV file, variables are getting exported as "Part of"

While Exporting Data from Kibana into CSV file, variables are getting exported as Part of Variable. For e.g. in below screenshot, "RRC Success" is one of the variable created and available as a complete value

However when exporting the same in CSV, variable is getting divided as "Part of RRC Success"

I want the same value available in Kibana, not in Part of segregation. Please help how to export only the values not their subparts

Hi @Arshukla

welcome to the Kibana community.
What version of the stack are you using?
That was a known bug when exporting data from a Lens formula, which ash been fixed in recent releases.

Hello @Marco_Liberati
Thanks for your response.
I am using stack version v 8.1.2

That has been fixed since 8.2: [Lens] Log data tables properly by flash1293 · Pull Request #128297 · elastic/kibana · GitHub

Thanks @Marco_Liberati :slightly_smiling_face:

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