While taking snapshot of elastic index it takes data of which shards like primary or replica?


I have a setup of ELK 7.10.0v. I am taking backup of elasticsearch index using snapshot API.
I have a doubt while taking backup with sanpshot which shards backup does it takes like primary or replica or it takes backup of both the shards?

Please help,

I guess snapshot applies only to primary shards, replicas are created at the restore stage

Hi @ylasri,

Thank you for the quick respnose,
I want to know the exact, beause I have to do this activity in my production environment.


I will ask may be @Christian_Dahlqvist to advice on this topic and confirm

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Hi @ylasri,

Waiting for him to reply.


Hi @ylasri,

Any update on this?
As I have to do this activity on my production environment.


It will store a single copy of the data so the size required on disk is basically the size of the primary shards. I assume primary shards are used for the snapshot but an not certain. This should not matter though.

Hi @Christian_Dahlqvist,

Thank you for the quick reply.


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