While using httpjson input in filebeat getting error Exiting: Failed to start crawler

While using httpjson input in filebeat getting below error
Exiting: Failed to start crawler: starting input failed: error while initializing input: template: :1: bad character U+0040 '@' accessing 'filebeat.inputs.0.cursor.@nextUrl.value' (source:'filebeat.yml')

The response containts @nextUrl value which I want to set as cursor value for next call.

Below configuration fails, however it works for other fields where there is no @ sign in the filed name.

value: '[[.last_response.body.@nextUrl]]'

Please advise

Hi Any advice on above query please?

You need to share the input you are using, you didn't share any information about it.

Please share the entire configuration that you are using in your input and filebeat.yml.

Thank you for your response @leandrojmp

The Response I get from the API is

"data": [
"Key1": "Value1",
"Key2": "Value1"
"Key3": "Value3",
"Key4": "Value4"
"status": 200,
"@nextUrl": "",
"code": 0,
"message": null

And Filebeat.yml is as below.


  • type: httpjson
    interval: 1m

    request.url: ""


    • set:
      target: url.params.@nextUrl
      value: '[[.cursor.@nextUrl]]'
      default: '[[0]]'

    value: '[[.last_response.body.@nextUrl]]'


    • decode_json_fields:
      fields: ["data"]

@leandrojmp : Please let me know if the input and filebeat helps and any solution for this use case.

I have no clue, I do not use this input, but searching on the forum I found a similar post.

It seems that the httpjson does not suport fields with @ in the name.

You may need a response from someone from Elastic or maybe open an issue in Github.