Error "failed to update state in the registry"


I have a strange error using httpjson-input plugin in filebeat. Everything works fine, I was getting data updates via cursor until now. Now in logs everytime request finished with > 0 events published I get an error:
Nov 11 18:04:31 sdg-logstash.test filebeat[14729]: 2021-11-11T18:04:31.167+0300 ERROR [input] input-cursor/publish.go:147 Failed to update state in the registry for 'httpjson::' {"input_type": "httpjson"}

my .yml file:

- type: httpjson
  config_version: 2
  interval: 1m
  request.method: GET
      value: '[[.last_response.body.next_cursor]]'
    - set:
        target: url.params.cursor
        value: '[[.cursor.last_execution_update]]'

Most likely this is because it does not have access to write to the cursor, maybe another software has it open already, or for some reason it has lost permissions to it.

Registry files are usually stored in /var/lib/filebeat/* by default, so maybe you can check the ownership of that?

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