Why am I getting GC Warnings?

I've noticed several Garbage Collector warnings in my logs:
[2014-09-22 11:55:47,880][WARN ][monitor.jvm ] [es-4]
[gc][ParNew][642][60] duration [1s], collections [1]/[1.8s], total
[1s]/[18.5s], memory [3.7gb]->[3.5gb]/[14.9gb], all_pools {[Code Cache]
[4.2mb]->[4.2mb]/[48mb]}{[Par Eden Space]
[388.3mb]->[8.5mb]/[532.5mb]}{[Par Survivor Space]
[66.5mb]->[66.5mb]/[66.5mb]}{[CMS Old Gen] [3.2gb]->[3.5gb]/[14.3gb]}{[CMS
Perm Gen] [30.3mb]->[30.3mb]/[82mb]}
[2014-09-22 11:55:53,764][INFO ][monitor.jvm ] [es-4]
[gc][ParNew][647][61] duration [961ms], collections [1]/[1.8s], total
[961ms]/[19.5s], memory [4gb]->[3.7gb]/[14.9gb], all_pools {[Code Cache]
[4.2mb]->[4.2mb]/[48mb]}{[Par Eden Space]
[445.2mb]->[6.7mb]/[532.5mb]}{[Par Survivor Space]
[66.5mb]->[66.5mb]/[66.5mb]}{[CMS Old Gen] [3.5gb]->[3.7gb]/[14.3gb]}{[CMS
Perm Gen] [30.3mb]->[30.3mb]/[82mb]}

The numbers seems legit, or am I missing something?
I don't understand why the warnings are logged.
Please help. Any advice or information would be helpful.

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I don't think it's anything you should be overly worried about as GC is

I am not sure why this is considered a warn level though.

Mark Walkom

Infrastructure Engineer
Campaign Monitor
email: markw@campaignmonitor.com
web: www.campaignmonitor.com

On 23 September 2014 00:27, Eugene Strokin eugene@strokin.info wrote:

I've noticed several Garbage Collector warnings in my logs:
[2014-09-22 11:55:47,880][WARN ][monitor.jvm ] [es-4]
[gc][ParNew][642][60] duration [1s], collections [1]/[1.8s], total
[1s]/[18.5s], memory [3.7gb]->[3.5gb]/[14.9gb], all_pools {[Code Cache]
[4.2mb]->[4.2mb]/[48mb]}{[Par Eden Space]
[388.3mb]->[8.5mb]/[532.5mb]}{[Par Survivor Space]
[66.5mb]->[66.5mb]/[66.5mb]}{[CMS Old Gen] [3.2gb]->[3.5gb]/[14.3gb]}{[CMS
Perm Gen] [30.3mb]->[30.3mb]/[82mb]}
[2014-09-22 11:55:53,764][INFO ][monitor.jvm ] [es-4]
[gc][ParNew][647][61] duration [961ms], collections [1]/[1.8s], total
[961ms]/[19.5s], memory [4gb]->[3.7gb]/[14.9gb], all_pools {[Code Cache]
[4.2mb]->[4.2mb]/[48mb]}{[Par Eden Space]
[445.2mb]->[6.7mb]/[532.5mb]}{[Par Survivor Space]
[66.5mb]->[66.5mb]/[66.5mb]}{[CMS Old Gen] [3.5gb]->[3.7gb]/[14.3gb]}{[CMS
Perm Gen] [30.3mb]->[30.3mb]/[82mb]}

The numbers seems legit, or am I missing something?
I don't understand why the warnings are logged.
Please help. Any advice or information would be helpful.

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Thanks Mark, I thought so. But just in case I'll try to lower heap size
from 16G to 10G to see if it will help or worsen the situation.

On Monday, September 22, 2014 5:43:38 PM UTC-4, Mark Walkom wrote:

I don't think it's anything you should be overly worried about as GC is

I am not sure why this is considered a warn level though.

Mark Walkom

Infrastructure Engineer
Campaign Monitor
email: ma...@campaignmonitor.com <javascript:>
web: www.campaignmonitor.com

On 23 September 2014 00:27, Eugene Strokin <eug...@strokin.info
<javascript:>> wrote:

I've noticed several Garbage Collector warnings in my logs:
[2014-09-22 11:55:47,880][WARN ][monitor.jvm ] [es-4]
[gc][ParNew][642][60] duration [1s], collections [1]/[1.8s], total
[1s]/[18.5s], memory [3.7gb]->[3.5gb]/[14.9gb], all_pools {[Code Cache]
[4.2mb]->[4.2mb]/[48mb]}{[Par Eden Space]
[388.3mb]->[8.5mb]/[532.5mb]}{[Par Survivor Space]
[66.5mb]->[66.5mb]/[66.5mb]}{[CMS Old Gen] [3.2gb]->[3.5gb]/[14.3gb]}{[CMS
Perm Gen] [30.3mb]->[30.3mb]/[82mb]}
[2014-09-22 11:55:53,764][INFO ][monitor.jvm ] [es-4]
[gc][ParNew][647][61] duration [961ms], collections [1]/[1.8s], total
[961ms]/[19.5s], memory [4gb]->[3.7gb]/[14.9gb], all_pools {[Code Cache]
[4.2mb]->[4.2mb]/[48mb]}{[Par Eden Space]
[445.2mb]->[6.7mb]/[532.5mb]}{[Par Survivor Space]
[66.5mb]->[66.5mb]/[66.5mb]}{[CMS Old Gen] [3.5gb]->[3.7gb]/[14.3gb]}{[CMS
Perm Gen] [30.3mb]->[30.3mb]/[82mb]}

The numbers seems legit, or am I missing something?
I don't understand why the warnings are logged.
Please help. Any advice or information would be helpful.

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"elasticsearch" group.
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