Why can't some data be displayed?

Even if the range interval is directly selected, it is still empty

Is it me doing it wrong?


Could you please provide some information for the following:

  • Which agent version are you using?
  • What is the sampling rate for this service and for other services that are part of this trace?
  • Which is the "entry" service for this trace and are there any non-instrumented services part of the trace?

Could you search in discover if there are any spans / transactions for this trace id? (you can find the trace id in the url).

You could also check if there are any sampled transactions for this transaction name: service.name: "Lonsid_ASC_Web_Host" AND transaction.type: "request" AND transaction.name: "POST asc/IoT/ActiveFilterAndWarrantyCard" AND processor.event: "transaction" AND transaction.sampled: true


apm agent version:7.16.3
sampling rate:

  "ElasticApm": {
    "LogLevel": "Info",
    "ServerName": "Lonsid_ASC_Web_Host",
    "TransactionSampleRate": 1.0,
    "CaptureBody": "all",
    "CaptureBodyContentTypes": "*",
    "SanitizeFieldNames": "password, passwd, pwd",
    "CloudProvider":  "none"

You could also check if there are any sampled transactions for this transaction name
It can be seen that there is data in other time periods.

As for you saying "there any non-instrumented services part of the trace", if you are referring to those services marked by the red box, then I am sure that the apm agent has been installed.

Could you search in discover if there are any spans / transactions for this trace id?

If the page does not return any results, how should I get the keyword (trace.id)?

Even looking at the redirected URLs, I can't find any clues.

Results for service.name: "Lonsid_ASC_Web_Host" AND transaction.type: "request" AND transaction.name: "POST asc/IoT/ActiveFilterAndWarrantyCard" AND processor.event: "transaction" AND transaction.sampled: true


Thanks for sharing this information.

Is this the version of the elastic stack? Could you please also send the .NET agent version that you are using?

Are there any non-instrumented services the cluster, in general, that might be part of the trace that includes this service? I am asking because if there are services that set the sampled flag to false, the decision is honoured by the instrumented service (see Supportability configuration options | APM .NET Agent Reference [1.x] | Elastic)

Is this transaction sample rate the same for all the services?

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