Why does using ?size=1000000 increase query latency 100X when totalHits is only 10

I noticed if I specify a very high size query param for the below query, the response latency increases 100x (2ms to 200-500ms) when running locally. The total doc count is ~ 1000, totalhits for this particular query is only 10. Why the increase?

Thank you,


  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "should": {
        "nested": {
          "query": {
            "term": {
              "brand.id": 551
          "path": "brand"
  "_source": false

The array that collects the hits during the search phase is allocated up front. There is work around for this that only allocates max(total_docs_on_shard, requested_docs) up front but its still dangerous to do that because if you did have a ton of documents then it'd be slow again.

Thanks, Nik; makes sense.