Why Elasticsearch 1.7.3 is faster 20% than 1.7.5?

Why Elasticsearch 1.7.3 is faster 20% than 1.7.5 ?

Absolutely the same config and index data, 30 queries in loop:
1.7.3 - 34s
1.7.5 - 47s

I wanted to upgrade to 2.4 but it even slower. New 5 version too.
So, performance degrade, so strange.

What do the queries look like?

Like this:

          "query": {
            "filtered": {
              "query": {
                "bool": {
                  "must_not": [{"match": {"text": "porn"}}]
                  "should" : [
                                {"match" : { "text" : {"query" : '\"apple ipod\"~4', "_name" : "first"} }},
                                {"match" : { "text" : {"query" : '\"ai bot\"~4', "_name" : "first"} }}, 
                                {"match" : { "text" : {"query" : "google", "_name" : "last"} }}, 
                                 ....here go a lot of other match queris......
              #"filter": {"terms": {"from_id": "-46461134"}}
          "aggs" : {
            "per_tag": {
              "terms": {"field": "from_id"},

Looking at the changelog, a difference between 1.7.3 and 1.7.5 is quite unexpected so I suspect something like the 1.7.5 instance had a colder FS/filter cache than the 1.7.3 instance.

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