Why include_lines is not working?

I have the following file yaml configuration to pick certain lines with string expressions, but filebeat doesnt seems to be prpagating messages to elastic search:

 - type: log
   enabled: true
     - /usr/share/apps/logs/*.log
   include_lines: ['ABC:']
   exclude_files: ['.gz$']
      tags: ["Tag-1"]
      type: "Type-1"
   fields_under_root: true
 - type: log
   enabled: true
     - /usr/share/apps/logs/*.log
   include_lines: ['DEF:']
   exclude_files: ['.gz$']
      tags: ["Tag-2"]
      type: "Type-2"
   fields_under_root: true

The log line is very simple:
[2020-09-20] INFO - ABC: This is log message.

I am using version 7.2 of filebeat.

Could anyone suggest me here what could be going wrong in here?

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