Why Kibana shoes incomplete message field

I am not sure why Kibana shoes incomplete message field when logstash shoes full message on the termincal at STDOUT?

Any setting i need to change ?

Sorry @shroh, but I'm going to need more information in order to help. Can you provide the logstash config you are using, as well as screenshots of STDOUT and Kibana with the behavior you described?

Sorry about the incomplete info:

Here is the logstash config

input {

     beats {
      port => 9997
filter {
      if [fields][source] == "monic_tomcat_perf" {

         grok {
            match => {"message" => "%{MONTHDAY} %{MONTH} %{YEAR} %{TIME},%{NUMBER:duration} %{WORD:loglevel}  %{WORD:Activity}   \[\{%{DATA:foo1}\}\]:(.*) execution time: %{NUMBER:executionTime:float} ms"}
         kv   {
              source => "foo1"
              field_split => ", "
         mutate {
           remove_field => [ "foo1" ]
        else if [fields][source] == "monic_web_log" {
         grok {
            match => {"message" => "(%{COMMONAPACHELOG})? Client-Correlation-Id=%{NOTSPACE:id} ResponseSecs=%{NUMBER:responsesecs} ResponseMicros=%{NUMBER:responseMicros} (\"%{URI:url}\")? %{GREEDYDATA:device}"}


        else if [fields][source] == "monic_tomcat_app" {
         grok {
            match => {"message" => "%{MONTHDAY} %{MONTH} %{YEAR} %{TIME},%{NUMBER:duration} %{WORD:loglevel}%{SPACE}%{WORD:Activity} \[\{(%{DATA:foo1})?\}\]: %{GREEDYDATA:foo2} User=\"Associate\(%{DATA:foo3}\)\""}

         kv   {
              source => "foo1"
              field_split => ", "
         kv   {
              source => "foo2"
              field_split => " "

         kv   {
              source => "foo3"
              field_split => ", "
output {
elasticsearch {
                hosts => "localhost:9200"
                #manage_template => false
                index => harmonic_dev
                user => elastic
                password => elasticpassword
  stdout { codec => rubydebug}

This the log file line that i injested for reproducing this issue, the output which i see in Kibana is truncated. In the screenshot i am attaching, the first event i am talking about with latest time stamp.

[%t] 08 Aug 2017 18:55:38,203 INFO  HomeBaseApiConsumer [{applicationSystemCode=monicapp-app, clientIP=, clusterId=Cluster-Id-NA, containerId=Container-Id-NA, correlationId=205c2806-2f97-f42f-00f5-9a43aafb9eb3, domainName=defaultDomain, hostName=ip-202-100-x.domain.com, messageId=, userId=ANONYMOUS, webAnalyticsCorrelationId=B347BC083EB9DCE4ED5005506F1F1E63|}]: KpiMetric="Cta" TransactionName="ApplicationDetail" TransactionStatus="Success" User="Associate(firstName=mike, lastName=henry, role=Consultant, email=mike@domain.com, electronicId=M422)".

Also i dont see the fields being parsed by logstash, it should have invoked the condition else if [source][fields] = "monic_tomcat_app"

Not sure if my conditional statements are wrong. But two summarise the issues

  1. Kibana truncating the output whereas logstash shoes full message on STDOUT
  2. Fields are not being parsed and no GROk failure error.

Oh, are you wondering why this message is truncated?


Looks like in 5.4 the style applied to rows that are truncated in discover was changed to get rid of the gradient that use to signal that there was more to what is being presented:

I'm checking with the team, not sure if this is intended or now, but if you open that row you should be able to see the whole message

i figured it out , i changed the setting in Kibana and can now see the whole message.

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