Why match query is not working with elastic-search 7.3

Dear All.

I have written query on elastic search 2.4 that is working match as like %g% operator:-

when i passed only 'g' then it display all firstname with 'g'

{ "query": {
"bool": {
"must": {
"bool" : {
"should": [
{ "match": { "firstname": "g" }},
{ "match": { "lastname": "" }},
{ "match": { "dateofbirth": "" }} ,
{ "match": { "sex": "" }}


} }

But same query running with elasticsearch 7.3 that is not fetching any data with match same as like %g% why?
is there version mismatch or some changed happen in elastic search 7.3.?

{ "query": {
 "bool": {
 "must": {
     "bool" : { 
      "should": [
         { "match": { "firstname": "g" }},
        { "match": { "lastname": "" }},
        { "match": { "dateofbirth": "" }} , 
         { "match": { "sex": "" }}

} }

please help me i getting stuck here?


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