Wildcards in flattened fields for nested objects

hey all - is there a way to use a wildcard on a flattened nested object
field like a.b.c.d ? The use case would be searching for a.*.b.c =
"something" .. For some reason I have no problems getting hits in the
former case but I come up with nothing if I use a wildcard ..

Thanks for any hints

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More concrete example:
{"filter":{"prefix":{"facts.megaraid_pdlist.pd0.inquiry_data":"SEA"}}} -
works fine with the expected number of hits
{"filter":{"prefix":{"facts.megaraid_pdlist.pd*.inquiry_data":"SEA"}}} -
returns no hits ..

On Wednesday, December 4, 2013 2:12:07 PM UTC-8, the_nozzle wrote:

hey all - is there a way to use a wildcard on a flattened nested object
field like a.b.c.d ? The use case would be searching for a.*.b.c =
"something" .. For some reason I have no problems getting hits in the
former case but I come up with nothing if I use a wildcard ..

Thanks for any hints

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