Windows - Elasticsearch starting with elasticsearch.keystore protected

I have elasticsearh installed on Windows Server 2016. I have activated the security and some passwords were vaulted in the elasticsearch.keystore file. Then I proceed to protect the keystore using the command elasticsearch-keystore passwd. When I want to start elasticsearch I got errors because it needs the password of the elasticsearch.keystore.
I have searched in the documentation and I have no found a way to configure a Windows service that takes the password.

Some research shows options using environment variables or storing the password in a file but I think the idea is to protect this password and this can not be visible for everyone.

Please your help!

Could it be that what they documented for Debian can be applied to Windows, too?

  • Put the pwd into a file
  • Restrict access to said file to those permitted and Elasticsearch
  • Put the path to said file into the env variable ES_KEYSTORE_PASSPHRASE_FILE.

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