Windows Install Newbie- Installing Elasticsearch using Zip

My issue before after extracting was that I kept getting the "\Common was unexpected at this time" in the cmd prompt. I was able to get this to work using the following fix.

\Common was unexpected at this time

I've attached what my environment variable looks like for Java since I set it in Windows for anyone having a similar issue.


After this I ran the ElasticSearch .bat file. Resulting in some content being displayed, but unfortunately I cannot successfully curl the localhost:9200 port. This is a dump of the current logs. I have removed my name from the file and replaced them with [Redacted]. I actually ran the bat file a few times you can see from the logs repeating, but I still cannot curl the localhost port.

Here's a pastebin with the logs: Paste Bin for Windows Error Logs

Version of Java being used is jre1.8.0_191