Windows Install Newbie- Installing Elasticsearch using Zip

My issue before after extracting was that I kept getting the "\Common was unexpected at this time" in the cmd prompt. I was able to get this to work using the following fix.

\Common was unexpected at this time

I've attached what my environment variable looks like for Java since I set it in Windows for anyone having a similar issue.


After this I ran the ElasticSearch .bat file. Resulting in some content being displayed, but unfortunately I cannot successfully curl the localhost:9200 port. This is a dump of the current logs. I have removed my name from the file and replaced them with [Redacted]. I actually ran the bat file a few times you can see from the logs repeating, but I still cannot curl the localhost port.

Here's a pastebin with the logs: Paste Bin for Windows Error Logs

Version of Java being used is jre1.8.0_191

It looks like the issue now is related to attempting to run the Machine Learning features on 32 bit Windows, looking at the log file; Machine Learning is only available on 64 bit OS, so you should edit the elasticsearch.yml file in the config directory to disable it false

Then try starting Elasticsearch again with the bat file from the command line.

Thanks for the assist @forloop
I am running a 64 bit OS currently, but have I grabbed the wrong installer by chance?

It may be that you have a 32 bit version of Java installed. If you run the following from the command line

java --version

What does it return?

Looks like the environment variable may end in \ (double \\ before bin)? I'm not sure if this is the cause of the error, but if the environment variable does end in \, it may be worth removing it and trying again first.

What does

java --version


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