Winlogbeat creates indexes based on dates from the past


I've a strange problem with winlogbeat. I've installed winlogbeat 1.3 on servers and receive directly on elastic port 9200 corrupted log that create indexes starting from December 2015 through now! Event if I delete all winlogbeat indexes, they recreate automatically! I've only one elasticsearch db, no cluster.

Daily indexes are automatically created based on the event @timestamp. Winlogbeat uses the event log record's TimeCreated field as the @timestamp in its events [1]. If you wish to have Winlogbeat only report events that were created within the last N hours/minutes/seconds then you can use the ignore_older settings [2]. Note that in Winlogbeat 5.x the ignore_older filter implementation has been improved and is much faster since it uses a time based query when asking Windows for event log records.

Thanks Andrew for your quick reply, very appreciated. Here is what am using in the config and it's the default when installing winlogbeat 1.3.

    - name: Application
      ignore_older: 72h 
    - name: Security
    - name: System

ignore_older is already set! or maybe the order is important here and having the parameter after -name: Application make it only apply for Application logs ?

It's only set for the Application log in the config you provided. Use the following if you would like a 72h set for each event log.

    - name: Application
      ignore_older: 72h 
    - name: Security
      ignore_older: 72h
    - name: System
      ignore_older: 72h

Order doesn't matter. event_logs is a list of dictionaries (key/value pairs). Each - indicates a new entry in the list. Each dictionary configures an individual event log reader. In 1.3 the only options are name (required) and ignore_older (optional). In 5.x there are few more.

Thanks Andrew,

It works now.

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