Winlogbeat missing mapping fields

Hi Adriann,
Did you refresh your Kibana index patterns?

I do not know the powershell dashboard but I do know the other one (User Management Events) because i was the one I did it.
Regarding to is a very useful field because it allows you to correlate different events performed by the same user, if it is not in the index pattern is dynamically generated (when you receive an event with that field) . From winlogbeat's Index Template:

          "strings_as_keyword": {
            "match_mapping_type": "string",
            "mapping": {
              "ignore_above": 1024,
              "type": "keyword"

In summary, if you have an index with field present and then you refresh your index pattern in kibana, the error in the user managment event dashboard should disappear

Please let me know if that helps you