I'm in front of a design choice where I would need a bit of help to choose the most efficient way.
I'm currently indexing data tagged with a string of comma separated Guids, for example:
This is the exact look of the string which is in one field only (ingestion in logstash sql of a serialized list stored in the mysql db).
I can modify the logstash query to translate the Guids to english words, for example:
english, cute, irl
Which one of the above solution would yield the best search performance when executing the following:
GET myindex/_search { "query": { "bool":{ "must":[ {"bool":{"should": [{"match":{"tag_ids":{"query":"ab2975e3-b9ca-4b1a-a93e-fb61a5d5c3a4","operator":"AND"}}}]}} ] } } }
or of course
GET myindex/_search { "query": { "bool":{ "must":[ {"bool":{"should": [{"match":{"tag_ids":{"query":"english","operator":"AND"}}}]}} ] } } }
Complexity of ingestion is minor while search performance is critical. Thanks for your inputs