Workaround for using wild cards in phrases and proximity searches(Elastic Search)


Recently I wanted to do a proximity search on elastic search index. I
wanted to search all docs where ‘measles’ and ‘vaccin*’ were with 25
characters to each other. Plus I wanted both of them to be in order.

The elastic search proximity search wasn’t an option because of two

  1. Proximity search doesn’t support wildcards. e.g (“measles vaccine”)~25
    is supported but (“measles vacci*”)~25 or (“measle* vacci*”) is not

  2. Proximity search doesn’t check the respect the order of words in phrase
    e.g (“measles vaccine”)~25 and (“vaccine measles”)~25 will give same

Few examples to resolve this issue using span_near

  1. (“measles vacci*”)~25
    "query": {
    "span_near": {
    "clauses": [
    "span_or": {
    "clauses": [
    "span_term": {
    "text": "measles"
    "span_or": {
    "clauses": [
    "span_multi": {
    "match": {
    "prefix": {
    "text": {
    "value": "vacci"
    "slop": 25,
    "in_order": "true”,
    "collect_payloads": "true"

// in_order can be used to toggle between ordered or unordered.

  1. “measle* vacci*”
    "query": {
    "span_near": {
    "clauses": [
    "span_or": {
    "clauses": [
    "span_multi": {
    "match": {
    "prefix": {
    "text": {
    "value": "measle"
    "span_or": {
    "clauses": [
    "span_multi": {
    "match": {
    "prefix": {
    "text": {
    "value": "vacci"
    "slop": 0,
    "in_order": "true",
    "collect_payloads": "true"

  2. Grouping. Now lets assume you want to find all docs where (canada OR
    toronto OR “North york”) NEAR (measles OR vaccin*). And they should be near
    to each other by 30 characters.
    "query": {
    "span_near": {
    "clauses": [
    "span_or": {
    "clauses": [
    "span_near": {
    "clauses": [
    "span_term": {
    "text": "North"
    "span_term": {
    "text": "york"
    "slop": 0,
    "in_order": "true",
    "collect_payloads": "true"
    "span_term": {
    "text": "toronto"
    "span_term": {
    "text": "canada"
    "span_or": {
    "clauses": [
    "span_term": {
    "text": "measles"
    "span_multi": {
    "match": {
    "prefix": {
    "text": {
    "value": "vaccin"
    "slop": 30,
    "in_order": "false",
    "collect_payloads": "true"

If any one knows better solution than this one please comment. Any
suggestions how I can build a parser to take query from user e.g (quick AND
near(foxes OR rats, toronto OR ontario, 30)) and convert that to elastic
search span_near using above workaround. Boolean operators and parenthesis
precedence is what I am finding hard to handle. Any open source PHP library
which can help me change user written queries with parenthesis and boolean
operator to ES filters.

@shay banon, @ steven @uri: any plans to have such operator support in the


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Saud, thanks for your post. Did you by chance figure a good way to convert user written queries into Elasticsearch queries? I'm facing the same issues!

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