Write consistency quorum


We currently have setup with multiple virtual machine hosts and two SANs for failover.
I was thinking about best way to deploy cluster in this configuration.

So I thought about deploying some nodes with master role for split-brain protection and make other nodes serve data only. Question I've been thinking of: is it possible to override default quorum value for write consistency so cluster may write data if one of SANs goes down?
I know about "discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes" for master quorum and been searching for something like this for write consistency quorum. Another way to do this is just do not use quorum at all but I don't think this is optimal solution.


There is write quorum, but how can ES know if a SAN has gone down?

Hello, Mark.

So the best option would be just wait until missing replicas will be allocated on live part of the cluster?

And use allocation awareness as well.