Xgo-deb6-base docker image doesn't build on linux kernel 4.8.0

When trying to package a beat, the xgo-image-deb6 docker images are built from dev-tools/packer/docker/xgo-image-deb6.

Unfortunately this currently doesn't appear to work:

➜  xgo-image-deb6 git:(master) ✗ docker build --rm=true -t tudorg/xgo-deb
6-base base/
Sending build context to Docker daemon 10.75 kB
Step 1 : FROM debian:6
 ---> a873733ef581
Step 2 : MAINTAINER Tudor Golubenco <tudor@elastic.co>
 ---> Running in 45ee1efe960d
 ---> 5e8570917872
Removing intermediate container 45ee1efe960d
Step 3 : ADD sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list
 ---> 4a61dbe81996
Removing intermediate container 699d7f3dde43
Step 4 : ENV PATH /usr/local/go/bin:$PATH
 ---> Running in baa9c81261b1
 ---> abc96085a00a
Removing intermediate container baa9c81261b1
Step 5 : ENV GOPATH /go
 ---> Running in d4a03ff30457
 ---> 621a7b392add
Removing intermediate container d4a03ff30457
Step 6 : ADD fetch.sh /fetch.sh
 ---> 913b8178b224
Removing intermediate container e08dbdb7713d
Step 7 : ENV FETCH /fetch.sh
 ---> Running in a45738b57bd1
 ---> e2282f9bbbf0
Removing intermediate container a45738b57bd1
Step 8 : RUN chmod +x $FETCH
 ---> Running in 2c9be792b9f6
 ---> 4da05aeffa9b
Removing intermediate container 2c9be792b9f6
Step 9 : RUN apt-get -o Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false update &&   apt-get install -y automake autogen build-essential ca-certificates     gcc-multilib     clang llvm-dev  libtool libxml2-dev uuid-dev libssl-dev pkg-config     patch make xz-utils cpio wget unzip git mercurial bzr rsync --no-install-recommends
 ---> Running in 2e45c2501738
E: Method http has died unexpectedly!
E: Sub-process http received a segmentation fault.
The command '/bin/sh -c apt-get -o Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false update &&   apt-get install -y automake autogen build-essential ca-certificates     gcc-multilib     clang llvm-dev  libtool libxml2-dev uuid-dev libssl-dev pkg-config     patch make xz-utils cpio wget unzip git mercurial bzr rsync --no-install-recommends' returned a non-zero code: 100

It appears apt-get crashes with a segmentation fault - which is surprising, as there doesn't seem to be anything particularly special going on otherwise.

Interestingly, this does appear to work when I switch the host system to kernel version 4.3.0-1-amd64 or 4.6.0-1-amd64, while it fails on 4.8.0-1-amd64.

Does the apt-get in debian:6 simply not work under a 4.8 kernel? Is that a bug, or simply a known restriction?

I didn't see that one before. Perhaps there's some kernel bug in 4.8?

Do you need Cgo in your Beat? If not, you don't actually need the deb6 version of the images. You can also just use the newer image only if you don't need support for older systems.

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