Xpack security troubles

Hi guys,

I have installed graylog-server 4.3.5-1 on Debian 11.4 as well as elasticsearch 7.17.5

When I run the setup without uncommenting
#xpack.security.enabled: true
I get these here warnings in logs:

"Elasticsearch built-in security features are not enabled. Without authentication, your cluster could be accessible to anyone. See (link obfuscated) /guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.17/security-minimal-setup.html to enable security."]"

So I decided to try to enable xpack security and did the following to try to achieve that:

I uncommented “#xpack.security.enabled: true” in /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml

I ran “./bin/elasticsearch-setup-passwords auto” to set passwords for built-in users.

I created the follwing role:

“graylog_role” : {
“cluster” : [
“indices” : [
“names” : [
“privileges” : [
“allow_restricted_indices” : false
“applications” : ,
“run_as” : ,
“metadata” : { },
“transient_metadata” : {
“enabled” : true

and lastly I created the follwing user:

“myelasticuser” : {
“username” : “myelasticuser”,
“roles” : [
“full_name” : “elastic graylog user”,
“email” : “[emailaddress@example.com](mailto:emailaddress@example.com)”,
“metadata” : {
“intelligence” : 1
“enabled” : true

Now I get the follwing in logs:

"ERROR [VersionProbe] Unable to retrieve version from Elasticsearch node Error response: type: security_exception - reason: action [cluster:monitor/main] is unauthorized for user [myelasticuser] with roles [all,monitor,manage], this action is granted by the cluster privileges [monitor,manage,all]"

and nothing works.

Am I missing a step?

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