Zoom on Kibana Dashboards


I tend to feel like there's not enough space to display visualizations on dashboard. I decreased my browser zoom to 75% and everything looks way better in terms of space. The 75% zoom does distort the text or makes it blurry.
Overall the browser zoom only applies to the user but I would like to apply to everyone.

Is there a way to change Kibana's zoom? I don't seen anything in Advanced Settings.

Hi @erikg ,

There is no zoom functionality other than browser zoom, but you can resize individual visualisations so that you have more items in the viewport.
In edit mode hover over the bottom-right resize icon and drag it to change the size of viz component. Hope that solves the problem.

In combination with browser zoom it should help, since when you zoom out dashboard is updated to display more in viewport. But as you said, zoom will be applied only for you locally.

Best regards, Dima

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Thanks for the information @Dzmitry
Should I open a feature request for this? Our users feel like the dashboards don't show enough on one page. I told them about the browser zoom but I agree with their comments.

Yes, you can open an issue in GitHub - elastic/kibana: Your window into the Elastic Stack and describe the enhancement.

Best regards, Dima

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Thanks for your help!,

Created Feature Request [Dashboard] Add Zoom Settings · Issue #180832 · elastic/kibana (github.com)

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