2.2 Cluster Installation

last week I was able to install and configure ES 2.1 and Kibana, but I crashed my cluster, And as a fresh start I downloaded 2.2 and Kibana 4.
But I could not configure my 2 node cluster. I spent all my day, but still not working.
Marvel shows 1 node only and the cluster is yellow and the second node is not shown, The yml files are

1- elastic-4.big.org : Kibana is installed.
cluster.name: cluster-es-dev
node.name: elastic-4
path.data: /home/es/data
path.logs: /home/es/logs
bootstrap.mlockall: true
discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["elastic-6.big.org"]

2- elastic-6.big.org:

cluster.name: cluster-es-dev
node.name: elastic-6
path.data: /home/es/data
path.logs: /home/es/logs
bootstrap.mlockall: true
discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["elastic-4.big.org"]

The nodes are centos 7 VirtualBox vm's. They have two networks.
1- enp0s3: static 192 network host only network
2- enp0s8: 10.X.X.X network NAT

elastic-6 has the following error in the logs.

[2016-02-09 16:28:03,471][INFO ][discovery.zen ] [elastic-6] failed to send join request to master [{elastic-4}{-yvn6-DUTl20Q7jQbQt5mw}{}{}], reason [RemoteTransportException[[elastic-6][][internal:discovery/zen/join]]; nested: IllegalStateException[Node [{elastic-6}{t-cF0fGgQ4up_DbahksoCw}{}{}] not master for join request]; ]

Last week I remember it was connecting using 192 IP's but this week 10 IP block. This is the reason I think. But I could not find and solution.

Any help is appreciated :cry: :disappointed_relieved:


Edit: I've done it.

elastic-4 --> network.host:
elastic-6 -->network.host:
**and **
change kibana config/kibana.yml
