2021: The Year in Review

Top #Beats Topics

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
Filebeat as a UDP Syslog Listener Dropping Alot of Logs 10
Unable to communicate with Fleet Server after Upgrade to 7.14 9
Input 'aws-s3' failed with: failed to initialize s3 poller 9
Filebeat is not reading the log file in real time 6
Doubts about Filebeat Threat Intel Module [7.12.0] 6

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Input 'aws-s3' failed with: failed to initialize s3 poller 50
GeoIP enrichment not working 30
Action [indices:admin/auto_create] is unauthorized for API key id [####] of user [elastic/fleet-server] on indices [metricbeat-7.14.1-2021.09.08], this action is granted by the index privileges [auto_configure,create_index,manage,all] 29
I have this error bash: ./metricbeat: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error 29
Unable to enroll fleet server as assinged policy does not have fleet server input 26

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Doubt about Elasticsearch module of Filebeat on container [7.9.2] 19
Doubts about Filebeat Threat Intel Module [7.12.0] 18
I have this error bash: ./metricbeat: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error 18
Filesetup is not working 18
Failed to start Filebeat sends log files to Logstash or directly to Elasticsearch 17