A new support profile search for trace API


Can we create a new API for trace for search profile. as we all know the profile API can list the shard request execution time and phase.

With the only help of profile API, some cases we can not know the true root case for slow search. We don't have a whole trace view of a specific search execution.

A new trace API can list the whole search phase and execution time, for example:

  1. search transport time
  2. search queue wait time
  3. shard request execute shard search request time (similar to profile API)
  4. coordinator receive shard response time (which shard is fast and which shard is slowest)
  5. coordinator reduce shard request time if have aggregations
  6. coordinator search response time

can we add trace for search phase time elapsed?

such as initial phase, fetch phase, xxx phase

Is there any plan to support more details profile for search of whole phase time spend. not only just Lucene search?

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