As we known, the function back trace are constiuted by several hexadecimal number group, every group should be included 8 hex numbers. but some of them are missing one space that result 16 hex numbers are in one group.
I use GROK plugin to add a field which named "fcn", such liks this:
Judging by your example, you actually need to insert characters at some point in the string and otherwise capture the field as-is. That would be hard or messy to do with grok + some other method.
The best option I think would be some custom Ruby code, e.g.
Thanks a lot for your help, which make me understand to use ruby code to realize my object.
But actually my input message include a lot of other information, such as process name, service name and so on, there are included a lot of useful space. which shows as below:
You can use any other method to extract the fields, like grok, which will result in a malformed fcn field. Then use the above Ruby code on that field to fix it's format.
I want to use your ruby code to handle my log event, but I want only handle the function trace part, and firstly I have parsed the message by grok plugin:
The sub pattern shows as below:
How can I only get the fcn part from message in ruby code? can you make a example? because in the below code you will get all the message content, delete the space will impact other parts.
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