About CCR

I am currently upgrading cluster from 6.2.2 to 6.5.4 and mainly want to use Cross Cluster Replication, but how do I support Cross Cluster Replication with my old index in 6.2.2.

CCR requires all clusters and nodes to be version 6.5 or above.

Thanks for your answer, because the amount of index data in 6.2.2 is too large, rebuilding the index will take great risks. Is there any way to support CCR for the old index?

Have you tried replicating this index? Is it now hosted on 6.5 nodes?

I tried just now. The cluster is now upgraded to 6.5.4, but the old index cannot be modified to enable soft delete. An exception was thrown when I copied the index to the follower cluster.
"error" : {
"root_cause" : [
"type" : "illegal_argument_exception",
"reason" : "leader index [test_index01] does not have soft deletes enabled"
"type" : "illegal_argument_exception",
"reason" : "leader index [test_index01] does not have soft deletes enabled"
"status" : 400

Then you probably need to reindex it, but let’s see if someone else may have some other suggestions.

Yes, the docs have their own info box for that:

This means that cross-cluster replication can not be used on existing indices. If you have existing data that you want to replicate from another cluster, you must reindexyour data into a new index with soft deletes enabled.

BTW soft deletes will be enabled by default in 7.0, so any index created there can be used with CCR at any time. For indices on 6.x you must enable soft deletes when creating the index unfortunately.


Many thanks!

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