It appears that Abuse.ch can now block the Threat intel integration because of rate limiting restrictions. If we were to use API key however there is no option to place that under the integration since they require you to use separate HTTP header (ex. header "Auth-Key: YOUR-AUTH-KEY-HERE")
Is there a way to bypass this limitation currently.
[root@elastic mnt]# elastic-agent status
┌─ fleet
│ └─ status: (HEALTHY) Connected
└─ elastic-agent
├─ status: (DEGRADED) 1 or more components/units in a degraded state
└─ cel-default
├─ status: (HEALTHY) Healthy: communicating with pid '679465'
└─ cel-default-cel-ti_abusech-6e53194d-dafd-4232-8a16-67fb2f5bfbbf
└─ status: (DEGRADED) single event error object returned by evaluation: {"error":{"code":"402","id":"402 Payment Required","message":"POST:{\n \"query_status\": \"ratelimited\",\n \"msg\": \"Your request has been rate-limited. Please visit https:\\/\\/abuse.ch\\/rate-limit\\/ for more information.\"\n}"}}