Access a field in array using Painless scripted field

Since nested array is not well supported in Kibana, is there any way I could extract the value from the array using scripted field?

My data looks like this
1st document:

"page_name": [
"name": "New York"
"url": ""

2nd document:

"page_name": [
"name": "Berlin"
"url": ""

It'd be great if I could use the Tag Cloud and visualize
However, it seems not yet supported, so I figured may be I should use scripted field.

What is the script that allows me to access my field should work as a path for the string. Have you tried it and it's not working?

I used

if(doc['']!= null)doc['']

and it still returns nothing, how can I access an index 0 of an array in painless?

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