Access Kibana config value from scripted field?

I'm interested in programmatically creating a scripted field using Painless. Namely, I want to create a string type that is formatted as a URL. I can create the field without problem. I can also push the Kibana configuration via the create index-pattern API. However, I'd like to be able to template out the base URL into a Kibana config value. This way a user can just change the config value (or via a script) for their environment and not have to change the Painless script.

The only other option that I can think of is to template the index pattern on disk, render the template, and update the index pattern.


You can use the url field formatter on top of a scripted field, is that sufficient? It takes a template:

From a painless script there's no way to access Kibana variables currently. The script is executed on elasticsearch and we aren't adding extras.

I tried that, and it would be great, except the value field of the template escapes slashes needed for my URI build.

Right now I've got:

String baseUrl = '';
if (doc['@meta.event_type'].value == 'network')
  String host1 = doc['@meta.orig_host'].value;
  String host2 = doc['@meta.resp_host'].value;
  String port1 = doc['@meta.orig_port'].value.toString();
  String port2 = doc['@meta.resp_port'].value.toString();
  String timestamp = doc['@timestamp'].getDate().toString();
  timestamp = timestamp.substring(0,timestamp.indexOf('Z'));
  String begin = timestamp.substring(0,timestamp.indexOf('.')) + 'Z';
  return baseUrl + 
              'host/' + host1 + '/port/' + port1 +
             '/host/' + host2 + '/port/' + port2 + 
             '/after/' + begin + '/';
return null;

The baseUrl is configurable at install time. So what I'll need to do is run a Jinja2 engine or something on the index-pattern json file before uploading it via the API. It'd be super helpful to expose the parameter feature of Painless scripts in Kibana. I'm concerned how well a template engine will do on a JSON file with a quoted JSON string embedded, that contains template escapes {{ }}

Got you, and agreed. As a workaround does the current scripted field you have with the slashes and then using the url formatter on top work?

No, I'm sorry but it doesn't because the value is URL encoded when passed into the URL template. I mean, sanitizing input is important, but it just doesn't work for the URL use case when you're trying to build a URI. As a workaround, I'll just template the index pattern offline and update when necessary.

If I want to make a feature requires for parameter support, do I do that via GitHub issues for kibana?

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