"action [indices:data/write/index]" is unauthorized for user: UserName

Hi All,
I am using below query to get a particular transaction_id in the transaction index but getting error i.e."action [indices:data/write/index]" is unauthorized for user: UserName
GET /transactions_XYZ(Index name_/transaction(type)/ccxxe8cc-xx68-4xxab-8xxe7-exxxxxceexx0
"query" : { "bool" : {

"must" : [

{ "term" : { "details.posted": "false" } }




I understand this issue is related to some privileges but my question is why its trying to write in the index i.e. action [indices:data/write/index]". I am just trying to read a particular transaction id.
Am I doing something wrong here? If yes, then what would be the correct approach to do the same thing?

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