Security_exception: action [indices:admin/rollover] is unauthorized for user [<user_name>]

What am I missing in this deployment that's throwing this error? The deployment is 7.7.0 and the user and role information is below.

security_exception: action [indices:admin/rollover] is unauthorized for user [<user_name>]

User info:

  "data_internal" : {
    "username" : "my_role",
    "roles" : [
    "full_name" : "Primary data connection",
    "email" : "",
    "metadata" : { },
    "enabled" : true

Role info:

  "my_role" : {
    "cluster" : [
    "indices" : [
        "names" : [
        "privileges" : [
        "field_security" : {
          "grant" : [
          "except" : [ ]
        "allow_restricted_indices" : false
    "applications" : [ ],
    "run_as" : [ ],
    "metadata" : { },
    "transient_metadata" : {
      "enabled" : true

From the information that I was provided it looks like this is a known issue and is documented here:
Workaround is to add "manage" right at the index level for the role.

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