Add and manage APM alert for multiple services

I was following this documentation: Alerts | Kibana Guide [7.13] | Elastic

How is it possible to create alerts for multiple services (but not for every service)? Or is it possible to group them somehow? I tried to set the tag to "*" for all services starting with xyz, but that didn't work.

Also, in the "Alerts and Actions" settings, you cannot edit alerts.

Hi there,

It's not possible to create a single alert for multiple services without it being all. This is a good suggestion though. Please create a new issue with this enhancement request.

Also, in the "Alerts and Actions" settings, you cannot edit alerts.

This is something we are planning to fix. Please follow this issue: [APM] Add ability to edit APM alerts · Issue #76316 · elastic/kibana · GitHub

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Thanks for the quick reply. I created an issue on GitHub: [APM] Create and manage alerts for multiple services · Issue #104886 · elastic/kibana · GitHub

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