Add custom fields to my email alert


I am new to Elastic & I am slowly trying configure alerts . I have created a observability email alert. But I would like to add specific details about the alert into my email. I understand I need to use the {{Mustache}} values to add variables to my email. But my issue is that I cannot add custom variables (IE: "Prod, Message from my streams. I feel these are very important to keep my alerts from becoming "Noise" that gets ignored or sent to junk. Does anyone know have to add values from my log stream into an email message?

Thank you and appreciate the knowledge,

Hi @Trying2learn,

this sounds very much like the request made in [Logs UI] Make matching documents available in log threshold alert action context · Issue #112447 · elastic/kibana · GitHub.

You're welcome to add examples of your use-case to the issue. That help us prioritize and scope the feature appropriately.