Add module for an exterior service in metricbeat.yml error

I have a service running called OB-Mail Agent in windows and I want to add that in my metricbeat.yml file. What will be the value of metricbeat and module?

it runs as expected when no new modules are added as below


- module: OB-Alerts Processor
  metricsets: ["memory"]
  period: 5s
- module: OB-Base24 EMS IB
  metricsets: ["cpu"]
  period: 5s
- module: OB-Command and Control
  metricsets: ["network"]
  period: 60s
- module: OB-Mail Agent
  metricsets: ["status"]
  period: 60s

Error in powershell is

S C:\Program Files\Metricbeat> Start-Service metricbeat
tart-Service : Service 'metricbeat (metricbeat)' cannot be started due to the following error: Cannot start service
etricbeat on computer '.'.
t line:1 char:1
 Start-Service metricbeat
   + CategoryInfo          : OpenError: (System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController:ServiceController) [Start-Service],
   + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CouldNotStartService,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.StartServiceCommand

below is metricbeat.log

2020-04-08T12:42:21.850-0700	INFO	instance/beat.go:622	Home path: [C:\Program Files\Metricbeat] Config path: [C:\Program Files\Metricbeat] Data path: [C:\Program Files\Metricbeat\data] Logs path: [C:\Program Files\Metricbeat\logs]
2020-04-08T12:42:21.855-0700	INFO	instance/beat.go:630	Beat ID: 55f6ab08-8179-4445-aa8a-e4e5b8693071
2020-04-08T12:42:21.868-0700	INFO	add_cloud_metadata/add_cloud_metadata.go:89	add_cloud_metadata: hosting provider type not detected.
2020-04-08T12:42:21.869-0700	INFO	[index-management]	idxmgmt/std.go:182	Set output.elasticsearch.index to 'metricbeat-7.6.2' as ILM is enabled.
2020-04-08T12:42:21.869-0700	INFO	elasticsearch/client.go:174	Elasticsearch url:
2020-04-08T12:42:21.870-0700	WARN	tlscommon/tls_config.go:79	SSL/TLS verifications disabled.
2020-04-08T12:42:21.896-0700	WARN	tlscommon/tls_config.go:79	SSL/TLS verifications disabled.
2020-04-08T12:42:21.957-0700	WARN	tlscommon/tls_config.go:79	SSL/TLS verifications disabled.
2020-04-08T12:42:21.969-0700	INFO	elasticsearch/client.go:757	Attempting to connect to Elasticsearch version 7.4.0
2020-04-08T12:42:22.011-0700	INFO	[license]	licenser/es_callback.go:50	Elasticsearch license: Basic

Hi @jsoriano , I am just venturing into Metricbeat and saw some of your replies regarding this issue so tagging you here to see if you could suggest anything! thanks.

Hey @Mehak_Bhargava,

You can find here the list of available modules modules and metricsets:

They are the possible values that module can have.

Most of the modules implement metrics collection for specific services, as apache, or mysql. Other modules can be used to monitor services or applications using well known protocols or monitoring interfaces. There is for example a module to collect Prometheus metrics, another one to collect JMX metrics from Java applications using Jolokia, another one to query HTTP services for metrics in JSON format, and so on. There is also a module to collect metrics from Windows systems using perfmon.

If your applications can be monitored using one of these protocols, then you should use one of these modules. How are your applications exposing metrics?

I guess that being services running in Windows, you can at least use the windows module. Using the perfmon metricset you can collect any metric available in perfmon, you will have to add some configuration for each one of the metrics you want to collect. Using the service metricset you can collect the status of services.

You can find some example configuration for the Windows module here:

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