Metricbeat windows module not working as expected

Im trying to find the status of specfic service running on our windows machine. We are trying to get service information using windows Module from metricbeat, but modules doesnt sent any information of about service..

Installed Version: metricbeat version 8.8.2 (amd64)
Windows. Yaml

# Module: windows
# Docs:

- module: windows
  metricsets: ["service"]
  enabled: true
  period: 60s
#- module: windows
#  metricsets:
#  - perfmon
#  period: 10s
#  perfmon.queries:
#   - object: 'Process'
#     instance: ["*"]
#     counters:
#     - name: '% Processor Time'
#       field: cpu_usage
#       format: "float"
#     - name: "Thread Count"

Evenothough we havent enable the system module, we are getting information about system. Is that expected?

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