Unable to create a proper processor for windows module to filter certain services


I'm currently evaluating metricbeat for monitoring our systems. On windows I would like to only monitor services, which are started automatically (or delayed) except a few services which are ok to be stopped, even if started automatically.

So I thought it would be a piece of cake, to write an processor for the windows module config file. Here it what it looks like:

  - module: windows
        - service
      period: 2m
        - drop_event:
                - not:
                    windows.service.start_type: "Automatic"
                - equals:
                  windows.service.name: "MapsBroker"
                - equals:
                  windows.service.name: "sppsvc"
                - equals:
                  windows.service.name: "RemoteRegistry"
                - equals:
                  windows.service.name: "WbioSrvc"
                - equals:
                  windows.service.name: "SQLTELEMETRY$SQLEXPRESS"

But unfortunately this seems to be wrong, as I can see in the logs: Error creating runner from config: 1 error: failed to initialize condition: missing or invalid condition

But I can't figure out the error in my conditions. To me this looks like shown in the documentation. Can anybody help me on this? Tanks!

Ok, fixed it finally myself, be rewriting it like this:

- module: windows
    - service
  period: 2m
    - drop_event.when.or:
      - not.contains.windows.service.start_type: "Automatic"
      - equals.windows.service.name: "MapsBroker"
      - equals.windows.service.name: "sppsvc"
      - equals.windows.service.name: "RemoteRegistry"
      - equals.windows.service.name: "WbioSrvc"
      - equals.windows.service.name: "SQLTELEMETRY$SQLEXPRESS"
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