I'm currently evaluating metricbeat for monitoring our systems. On windows I would like to only monitor services, which are started automatically (or delayed) except a few services which are ok to be stopped, even if started automatically.
So I thought it would be a piece of cake, to write an processor for the windows module config file. Here it what it looks like:
- module: windows
- service
period: 2m
- drop_event:
- not:
windows.service.start_type: "Automatic"
- equals:
windows.service.name: "MapsBroker"
- equals:
windows.service.name: "sppsvc"
- equals:
windows.service.name: "RemoteRegistry"
- equals:
windows.service.name: "WbioSrvc"
- equals:
windows.service.name: "SQLTELEMETRY$SQLEXPRESS"
But unfortunately this seems to be wrong, as I can see in the logs: Error creating runner from config: 1 error: failed to initialize condition: missing or invalid condition
But I can't figure out the error in my conditions. To me this looks like shown in the documentation. Can anybody help me on this? Tanks!