Adding Custom GeoIP Target To Index Pattern


I'm attempting to update the index pattern in Elasticsearch with the target geoip I've set in logstash, which is currently:

				source => "Remote"
				target => "RemoteGEOIP"

				source => "Local"
				target => "LocalGEOIP"

And with my index pattern called logstash-syslog-*, I'm using the below index template like this being sent within Postman to the index.

"RemoteGEOIP" :
"type" : "object",
"dynamic": true,
"path": "full",
"properties" :
"location" : { "type" : "geo_point" }

I have also tried logstash-syslog-*/RemoteGEOIP/_mapping but I keep getting errors relating to sytax with the above. I think I'm messing up the index template but I'm not sure where. Any help be appreciated

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