Adding sort to ES query returns inaccurate results?

My queries are successfully returning the exact results that I am looking for.


This returns only items with ProcessId "from-cn"
However, when I add a sort query like this:


This is now returning all "from-cn", but it is also returning several other results that do NOT have ProcessId "from-cn".

I know it is the sort that is causing the issue because when I remove sort, it returns perfectly.

Why is this happening here? How can I fix?

EDIT: I'm now thinking it's possible that my ES is returning matches, but not EXACT matches. Is there a way to ensure that ES only returns exact, verbatim matches?

It depends on the mapping for the field ProcessId.
What is it?

What does that mean exactly? I believe it is just default mapping. I don't remember changing it, but is there a way to check ?

I believe it is just default mapping.

So try with ProcessId.keyword instead.

This worked. Thank you :slight_smile:

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