Aggregation with unique count and sum: how to do it?

We have some documents in ES (7.7.0) that represent some kind of ecommerce sales transactions, that can be described as the following table

| tx_id |  item      | cost | price |
| 1     |   item1    | 10   | 15    |
| 2     |   item2    | 15   | 20    | 
| 3     |   item3    | 20   | 30    |
| 1     |   item1    | 10   | 15    |
| 4     |   item4    | 20   | 25    |
| 5     |   item2    | 15   | 20    |
| 1     |   item1    | 10   | 15    |
| 6     |   item2    | 15   | 20    |
| 2     |   item2    | 15   | 20    | 
| 7     |   item1    | 10   | 15    | 

For reasons that are too long to explains, some of the documents contains "duplicated transactions".
In this example data table, we have 3 documents with the same transaction_id=1 and 2 documents with the same transaction_id=2.
We can't change the application that writes the transactions in the documents to avoid the duplication, so we have to live with that constraint.

What we are trying to achieve, is a consolidated report with the following data:

| item  | unit_cost | unit_price | sold units | cost | revenue |
| item1 |    10     |      15    |    2       | 20   |  30     |  <-- tx_id 1, 7, but tx_id=1 appears 3 times in the data table
| item2 |    15     |      20    |    3       | 45   |  60     |  <-- tx_id 2, 5, 6, but tx_id=2 appears 2 times in the data table
| item3 |    20     |      30    |    1       | 20   |  30     |  <-- tx_id 3
| item4 |    20     |      25    |    1       | 20   |  25     |  <-- tx_id 4

We are struggling to get this aggregated table in kibana.
We tried to create terms buckets for the fields item, cost and price, and calculating the metrics unique count of tx_id to get the sold_units, but then how to calculate the metrics for the cost and revenue?
Using the metric sum will not work, because the sum of the bucket item:item1 --> unit_cost:10 --> unit_price:15 contains 4 documents, because of the duplication of tx_id=1

Any hints or suggestions?



Hey @simonlucalandi! I'm not 100% certain if Kibana can produce something exactly like that but I think we can get close...

Can you can create a terms aggregation on your tx_id? Just trying to follow along to this previous issue I found: Sum of unique ids

Thank you for the suggestion.

I'm now trying to use the "transform data" feature to create a pivot that removes the duplicated transaction (using "Max" aggregation) that save the clean data in a new index, and then create visualization on this new index.

It seams to be fit our needs.

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