We've set up the Azure OpenAI connector and things are looking good when testing the connector. We also see requests comming into the model on the Azure side.
However we get an error in Kibana saying
Failed to load response from the AI Assistant
Error: an error occurred while running the action - Status code: 400. Message: API Error: model_error - 'arguments' is a required property - 'messages.4.function_call
Anyone have any input on what is wrong or how to debug this further?
Thanks for reaching out, @flalar. Can you say a bit more about how you connect here?
While this isn't exactly the same issue, I did find some related Stack Overflow posts to suggest this may be related to how you are formatting your request, so if you have a code snippet, that may be helpful.
We can trigger the error by clicking any option related to the AI Assistant within Kibana. To be specific we can do it from the Observability > Logs Explorer > Log Details > What is this message
Error: an error occurred while running the action - Status code: 400. Message: API Error: model_error - 'arguments' is a required property - 'messages.4.function_call'
at Object.next (https://urltoelasticcluster/465f50087cd0/bundles/plugin/observabilityAIAssistant/1.0.0/observabilityAIAssistant.chunk.2.js:3:456)
at https://urltoelasticcluster/465f50087cd0/bundles/kbn-ui-shared-deps-npm/kbn-ui-shared-deps-npm.dll.js:377:1543010
at t._next (https://urltoelasticcluster/465f50087cd0/bundles/kbn-ui-shared-deps-npm/kbn-ui-shared-deps-npm.dll.js:6:46050)
at t.next (https://urltoelasticcluster/465f50087cd0/bundles/kbn-ui-shared-deps-npm/kbn-ui-shared-deps-npm.dll.js:361:30508)
at https://urltoelasticcluster/465f50087cd0/bundles/kbn-ui-shared-deps-npm/kbn-ui-shared-deps-npm.dll.js:361:24634
at t._next (https://urltoelasticcluster/465f50087cd0/bundles/kbn-ui-shared-deps-npm/kbn-ui-shared-deps-npm.dll.js:6:46050)
at t.next (https://urltoelasticcluster/465f50087cd0/bundles/kbn-ui-shared-deps-npm/kbn-ui-shared-deps-npm.dll.js:361:30508)
at https://urltoelasticcluster/465f50087cd0/bundles/kbn-ui-shared-deps-npm/kbn-ui-shared-deps-npm.dll.js:351:64560
at i (https://urltoelasticcluster/465f50087cd0/bundles/kbn-ui-shared-deps-npm/kbn-ui-shared-deps-npm.dll.js:361:239716)
at t.next (https://urltoelasticcluster/465f50087cd0/bundles/kbn-ui-shared-deps-npm/kbn-ui-shared-deps-npm.dll.js:351:64347)
And we find this corresponding message in the kibana logs
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